Still Alive
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:44 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Portal Original Soundtrack Recording
Song Author
Jonathan Coulton
File Size
72 KB
My First GP5 Tab. I decide to do 'cause the only GP
tab on UG or the whole net (i've search! i sweart it.)
can't be opened. So here it is. A gorgeous Jonathan
Coulton song by a shinny game by the (in)famous
VALVe featuring the OMG COOL vocals of Ellen
Mclain. I'm addicted to it =d .
-Take it easy. My first GP tab.
-I've distributed the clean guitar through some tracks.
sorry for the mess. The progran only allow me to put
less than eleven tracks on a file.
-The percussions, bass and synth is a little messed. (in
july will be 3 years that i'm "musicating" in my acoustic
guitar! =d)
-Enjoy! (if you like, if don't slap my face at
Translation: Portuguese
Minha primeira GP. Decidi transcreve-la pois todos os
arquivos que achei na internet est�o com problemas
de execu��o (eu pesquisei! juro.). Um som massa do
Jonathan Coulton para o "joguin'" da "famosa" VALVe
com o vocal da Ellen Mclain (L). A musiquinha vicia
"meO" =d.
-Peguem Leve. Minha Primeira GP.
-Fiz uma bagun�a distribuindo as faixas de guitarra
limpa pela GP. Infelizmente meu GP s� permite inserir
10 pistas num documento.
- A percuss�o, o baixo e o "synth" est�o meio fora da
perspectiva da musica. Me desculpe, 3 anos em Julho
que arranho meu viol�o =d.
- Se gostaram, meus parabens, somos dois. Se n�o,
digam algo para "".